Mar 20, 2007 07:55
i have an interview today
im stoked as a joke
haha fuck all the people that were like emma stop being so picky just apply anywhere blah blah blah
hellllll no
im glad i holded out for a job that i would enjoy and actually help with my career.
:) yess yusss yesssssss!
my hair is a big fat wreck though!
i wish i could get it done before the interview, but thats not possible :(
no monaymonaymonay!
its chillsefer.
my hairs not the only thing i have going for me.. SIKEEEEEE
im so pissed i cant go back to sleep and im not getting picked up till like 2 and i forgot my cigarettes in dexbabys car and im bummed
im ovesssss this i think im gonna go trim my hair, its in need