Jan 10, 2010 00:02
So tomorrow I'll be writing the NID exam..
I'M UPDATING FROM DAD'S LAPTOP!!! *squeeeeeeeeeee*
I just spoke to a cousin..we'll talk tomorrow morning (RANDOM ALERT!)
And got lectured by a semi-drunk (I guess) Uncle(not sure how we're related. He's my father's uncle's brother.) The lecture was about how 'I-am-mature-only-when-I-learn-to-prioritize'. :-|
Reading HPFF..what's new..
I spent the whole day writing(!!).
(RANDOM ALERT!)I can hear an aeroplane flying above this building..
Have I told you about how awesome my Dad's place in Chennai is?
It's got this HUGE hall which leads to a pretty big kitchen with dining room attached(they do not have a wall in between them).
When you enter the house there are two doors which lead to the bedrooms.
The left on leads to my sister's and my room and the right to my parents'.
It's a pretty cool apartment all in all..maybe I'll put up a picture when I can. :)
The thing about Chennai is that it's very very sultry..even in the "winter". Just this morning I was sweating(!!!). I haven't sweat in nearly a month and a half(If you don't count the time when I was feeling hot in tuition because of my jacket ).
Speaking of not mentioning, ('I'm-going-to-go-off-on-a-tangent! Alert) I set a record last night. I didn't speak for almost four hours at a stretch.(!!!) And I'm the Queen Of Chatterville (:P)...
Good joke huh? :P
Anyay, I'm off to read some more HPFF! ;)
Ciao for now my lovelies!
P.S: I travelled alone(!!!) by train last night. :)
I seriously CANNOT get itty-bitty Beiber outta my head!