Week away from home

Jul 04, 2009 17:06

Well I went away for Air Force JROTC in Castine Maine for roughly 6 days and we did a bunch of stuff you can see where I went by looking at www.mainemaritine.edu it is absolutely beautiful. I was in a flight of 7 people, 6 guys and i was the only girl. it was very interesting hahahaha we did a bunch of drill and physical training i got sick every day but i didn't quit, our first night we went to the beach and had a camp fire and made smores and told old war stories and just funny stories that made sense only to sgt. norey sometimes haha we did water survival training in those bright red lobster suits lol and i drove a 45ft power boat i was nervous because i was the first one out of everyone and they were all watching but the boat guy said i did really good those two things were in 2 days and then one night we watched a movie and my last night we did CSAR- combat search and rescue with a dummy pilot. there were 2 squadrants 1st and 2nd, 1st did theirs on wednesday and we-2nd had it on the last day thursday and there are two teams, red and blue, red were unfriendlies and blue were the good guys well i was on red with my 8man crew, 2 recon teams each had a radio operator and a navigator there were two defenders-me being one and a major radio op and a commander--blue team had 28 people btw against 8(red)- and we got the downed pilot made a base near the Head quarters and we had a center where the pilot was hidden---granted we were doing this in a wild life reserve so instead of paintball guns we used super soakers with 2 litter bottles attached--nice that it is water but fuck is it heavy after running uphill and shit. one recon team took the northeast position and the other took a lil north west and i had the left frank and wrap around rear and the other defender had the right flank and wrap around rear. the recon teams took out 12 of them and they get to respawn--have a medic save them and they r fine again but my 8man team cant respawn until the other team has the pilot and are headed to the helicopter. well we lost our two recon teams and chief on the other team spotted the fuckers on my team that were sticking their heads out, i was laying in the prone position for fuckin 2 hrs and i was the only one not spotted cus i was smart and kept low key and while we first set up base i made it clear that there was minimum talking and we would whistle, knock and use hand signals. i was laying on a fallen pine tree, on the side branches while the girth was up higher than my head and covered myself with brush. so we lost our two recon teams and had no map and a radio that was useless since we had no one to radio. so i told em to make sure that if anyone were to radio us that we didnt give out any info besides we still had the pilot. we were left with a 4 man crew so we had no map and i had us move to a T intersection and go into the thick part of the woods between the two meeting paths, well i let sick walk by me, they didn't see me at all hahahaha and i was a foot no joke away from the path and the only reason why they saw me was because there were more coming and one of em asked the group up front something so he turned around and bam i was out hahaha but my 3 man group booked it across open ground. we were all downed and respawned when they were headed to the head quarters and its a square area that is fenced in and the blue team had two people on the ridge-its very hill-y so you cant see side to side and we took out those 2 people and broke up into two groups of 4, one approaching on the left and one on the right-i was on the right and we took em out we fucking slaughtered em. then when we had our debriefing back at the field house Col. was absolutely shocked that my team-red team one because the ratio 8-28 not fair he said it was set up so we werent supposed to win and the other team even cheated BUT what my 4man crew after losing our recon teams found out was that our downed recon teams found blue teams radio channel and had them running around the place for a couple hours so my team was prone position for 5 hours and we fuckin won!!! col. thought it wouldn't go so well with 2nd squadrant because 1st basically wanted to just shoot each other thats all. but my team made him proud :) but ya a few days back we had a guy from the Army national guard come in with this inflatable obstacle course, it was set up on a part of a basketball court and you had to do suicides down the court run to the beginning and run to the other end and go the width and run through the course touch the wall on the other side go back through the course and go around width wise and sprint back lengthwise. I was the first up and he asked if i was ready i said no but bring it on anyway and he laughed and said he liked my attitude lol and i was half way back coming through the course and took a breather and chief--my bud lol hes fuckin awesome was like dont give up and so was the Army guy and i screamed QUIT IS NOT IN MY VOCABULARY in one of those really frustrated pissed voices and i booked it through the rest and i really impressed the army guy and chief and my entire flight for not quitting. we did a bunch of stuff too and games i was fucking amazing at sports too. we had room inspections everyday and the most i ever lost on my room---didnt have a roommate thankfully was 2 points out of a 100 i made 5 friends with the volunteers-the AF guy who is 20, the two emts who are in the navy a lady from the airforce and a civilian. the emt girl and the airforce girl invited me to go to sixflags sometime soon, i was hooked up. lol i cried once on tuesday because my feet had blisters and i just hurt so much and i was tired of puking everyday the EMT wanted me to go to the hospital to check things out but i knew if i went i wouldn't return to leadership school and i wouldn't graduate from it and col. and sgt. and everyone saw me cry and they never see me crack like that i told them i didn't want a bust--lose points or anything cus u can get one bust and still graduate the leadership school but i completed everything 100% and they told me i could take it easy since it was social games and i cried telling them i dont want to go home and i dont want to give up because i need to be there for my flight and support them because they need me and that i wouldn't abandon them. that earned me brownie points and i said it from the heart and they knew it because i wanted to be there for them but i was dehydrated too.

btw there were 8 flights, Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, Delta, Echo, Foxtrot, Gulf, Hotel
I was in Gulf and its a point system you can get as a flight and stuff the flight with the most points gets Honor flight well Alpha had it for 2 days and then we-Gulf got it for the last three and we were the offical Honor flight of 2008-2009

I graduated from Air Force JROTC Summer Leadership School for 2008-2009
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