Aug 11, 2005 17:14
Thirteen random things you like.
01) Kisses
02) Hugs
03) Being with james
04) Havin a laff
05) Making my friends happy
06) Spending time doing things I like
07) Sleepin in a nice warm bed ;)
08) Snuggling up to James
09) Love
10) Lust
11) Trust
12) Realising what that word was that I couldnt figure out in my favorite song
13) Bad lads army
Twelve random things you want.
01) A pair of converse
02) All the clothes that I like
03) Sumfink James only knows
04) The perfect life
05) Something for nothing
06) For my room to be constantly clean
07) Not to be sarky
08) Tattoos
09) To be in my bed all day
10) For the bad part of my life to turn around
11) For people to stop making shit TV ads
12) For my back to stop aching
Eleven good bands -or- artists.
01) Yellowcard
02) The Used
03) My Chemical Romance
04) Taking back sunday
05) Good Charlotte
06) Linkin Park
07) Drowning Pool
08) Slipknot
09) Funeral For A Friend
10) H-I-M
11) Lost Prophets
Ten things about you [physically].
01) Blonde/brown hair
02) Green/Blue eyes
03) wear w/e i want
04) Quite short
05) Tired all the time ;)
06) Fat Arse (which i h8 but james loves it)
07) Tanned
08) Small hands
09) birth marks
10) bad back
Nine thoughts.
01) My eyes itch
02) I got Headache
03) i just yawned
04) Naff all 2 do
05) I love James
06) Bad lads army is on 2nite
07) Can James come out 2moz?
08) My room is a mess
09) Wot the fuck?!?!?
Eight favorite foods -or- drinks.
01) WKD
02) Chinky (chinese)
03) Pepsi Max
04) Sunday Dinner
05) Fanta fruit twist
06) Apple
07) Larger
08) Pie n chips
Seven things you wear daily.
01) Underwear
02) Socks
03) Two neckleaces
04) Mackenzie traniers
05) ring
06) Make-up (natural)
07) Watch
Six things that annoy you.
01) The Crazy Frog
02) Sweety the Chick
03) Nessie the Dragon
04) The Kung Fu mole
05) People that walk slowly around Birmingham
06) Narrow mindedness
Five things you touch everyday.
01) My hair
02) James
03) James' hair
04) James' hands
05) James' ass
Four shows you watch.
01) Joey
02) Will and Grace
03) Two pints of larger
04) Bad Lads Army
Three people you don't know but you know of.
1) Burt Maccraken
2) my cousin rob
3) My cousins boyfriend
Two things you hate.
01) Chavs
02) Fakes
One thing you love.
01) James