Mar 25, 2010 11:19
I'm 27 now, doesn't feel a bit different from 26. I have decided that instead of moaning about how old I am, I am just going to continue to think in my heart that I am 22 (cause that's how I feel) and if I keep that up, maybe when I'm 80 I'll really be more like a 40 year old and if you ask me that's pretty darn good.
I saw an elderly woman walking the track at the gym yesterday with such determination and speed (!) that I wanted to stop running and tell her that she was inspiring and that I hope that I am like her someday.
I am determined that I will not be old. Ever. The new word will be "mature" or maybe "responsible" but not "old."
Yesterday I had a grant information session to attend at the Community Foundation. I've been there about 10 times, but decided to try a different route that did not involve paying $1.25 in tolls. I ended up driving right past my turn and being 15 minutes late because of Virginia's ridiculous method of naming and marking streets. I was supposed to turn left on Janke Road. At each intersection, I checked out the signage and passed through one at which the crossroad was labeled 'Prince George Street.' After figuring out that I went too far, I headed back in the other direction and lo and behold, Janke Road was at the intersection also labeled "Prince George Street." You see, in Virginia, they have a habit of naming a road one thing if you turn left and another if you turn right. I am never late for things and I was so embarrassed.
I have obtained an iPhone and must admit I think it makes me feel a little crazy and is very addictive. Being able to access Facebook and Twitter and Email on my phone makes me feel ... over whelmed (?) with connections. I love it, but it also makes me feel nuts.
40 days until Paris... I'm sure this is also contributing to my current feeling of being overwhelmed. But it's going to be so wonderful that it's a good kind of overwhelmed.
The Monument Avenue 10k is this Saturday. I am not as ready as I'd like to be, but think that I may be able to run the majority of the race (I'm hoping for 5 miles running). We'll see!
Finally, I am never giving up shopping for Lent again. It has been Terrible with a capital T.