Fuck HST.

Jul 03, 2010 10:13

Thanks HST for making work more sucky than it already is. >:[  In the past few days, it feels like everybody's been saying "Oh it's more expensive now..." and I have to say "Yeah, HST. Our prices are actually the same." I had one cheap ass get so concerned over spending 16 bucks on two sandwiches that are from the kinda expensive category in the first place, and he asked for double fucking meat and a large drink. What do you freaking expect then? Maybe if he could stop making out with his girlfriend in front of me to read the damn prices, he wouldn't have felt like an idiot for ordering more than he wanted to pay. You can put back the drink, but you can't really change the double meat order. =\
Generally  I assume people know how much things are since they *stare* right at the prices when they order, or come in so much they have that shit memorized. Unless you ask me, I'm not going to recite the prices of things to you. It's fucking Subway.

Speaking of memorized, now I have nothing in my mind anymore. It's not really a huge deal, just kind of an annoyance. I used to be able to say what certain things cost, with tax included (since they were ordered so much it's ingrained into my mind, lol) but now it's all skewed. The cheap sandwiches that were like 3.45 are now like 3.71. A quarter more for a cheapo thing? Daaang.  I haven't actually bought anything (except Trailer Park Boys S1 and S2 combined, omg yayayy!)) since the HST. I stocked up on booze and snacks the day before. Not really intentionally avoiding the tax, but more to avoid the rush and not to have to do it after an 8 hour shift. That shift was the craziest slow it's ever been for me. We didn't even have to bake more bread during the day, it was that slow. :S

I've worked 6 days in a row, and I can feel my attitude slipping. So many dummies, so little patience. I do like seeing some regulars, like that giant cute basketball dude that comes in everyday. It's funny how I always end up seeing him since I do night/day/night/day and he's always there, lol. Omg, he is too precious, so polite! It's sad how much I value politeness now. I mean, I always did before, but now it's like I judge people a bit if they can't even talk to me in full sentences. I had one guy the other day that literally just was like "Sandwich. Bread. Cheese. Veg. Sauce." and not a word inbetween what he wanted. Like, shit not even a hello. Fuck off you roid-raging asshole. See? I'm bitter as fuck now! haha.
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