May 14, 2006 20:36
Well graduation's over, finally. lol. I'm so glad I didn't screw up on my speech, I was soooo nervous! Senior year definitely wasn't what I expected it to be, but I wouldn't go back and change anything. I think that having a job really takes away from the high school experience because I was always working and could never go to any of the events during the day, not that I would have gone anyway but it would've been nice to have the option. lol. However, I am glad that I have a car now so I need a job to pay for that. I didn't realize how much people could change over a year's time. I started senior year with a few best friends but by the time it was over some of them had changed and I'm left with the only one thats been there from the beginning and some new ones, which is fine because they're beginning to become better friends with me than my old ones were. And then there's the subject of boyfriends, which is definitely not my forte. lol. I started the year out with one that I thought would last a good while, but that didn't work out so well. We're still good friends, I just don't know if it ever could go back to the way it was. After that happened, I decided I was going to meet as many people as I could, which took me on a wild goose chase to nowhere. lol. I met a few, but none that were worth my time. Then there's Tyler. He never really was my boyfriend, but I guess he was as close to it as possible. I just hate committment and titles but from November until April we were together all the time, we celebrated all the holidays together and we went to three school dances. However, we're too different so he decided it was best if we didn't talk anymore. Then there's the classes of senior year. The only one that challenged me at all was calculus. The rest of them were pretty much useless. English 4 was a joke, we sat around and talked all the time while Joiner yelled at us to be quiet but we never learned anything. lol. And psychology was fun if it wasn't for Mrs. Morris and her perfectionist, ocd ways. I learned a lot about Forensics, more than I cared to know. lol. I would never be a forensic scientist, you have to pay waaaaay to much attention to detail and I am not that patient. It was a fun year though, with the field trips and stuff. I think I'm finally becoming who I want to be. I know my life is about to change tremendously, but I'm ready to take it on. I've proven that if you work hard and you set your goals high, you can do just about anything that you want. I've learned a lot about myself this year, like just how much I can take before I snap, how to not let people walk all over me, and how to not depend on other people to support me emotionally. I am going to go far in life and I'm not going to let anyone bring me down or keep me from doing the things that I want. Everything that happened this year has taught me so much about life and the relationships in it. I'm no longer naieve, but along with that I don't trust anyone either so I guess it's a double edged sword. I know I've made plenty of mistakes and I've done things that I'm ashamed of, but all in all I think I have turned out pretty well considering all of the things I was dealt this year. I guess that's all I have to say, if you read this far, thank you. lol.