
Aug 25, 2005 17:04

omg wooooooowwwwww. it has been FOREVER since i last updated. i feel so guilty lol. i have been REALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLY busy. between work (yes my dear friends, i got a job!!! muahahaha. i am now part of the $ making world. hehehe. and the best part??? its in a lawyers office. yessssssssss) and dance (graaa 3 days a week, 2 hrs a day, at the most inconvenient time!! and i got a fricken blister. haha, it is fun anyways) and friend stuff, i am hardly ever home. not that i am really complaining. i hate being bored all the time. doing stuff is fun, even if it is work. ok, so, i will list some of the stoof i have been doing.


dance, which, is finally done

grandmas house on several occasions.



hanging out with D

going to the movies

hanging out with sarah and leah.

haha Charlie and the Chocolate Factory is by far the best movie ever!! i mean, they have attack squirrels and everything!!!


going random places with my family


haha i got a myspace!!! woot!!

watching movies

random things with my sisters



reading (A LOT i love it hehehe. i never got to during school)

procrastinating on starting the huge ass load of hw i got for history. ya, i got homework over the summer, doesn't it suck??????

doing blah stuff.


thats about it

well, since i have some more random stuff to do, i will be off!!! sooooo, goodbye, ttfn. i will update sooner this time, and, maby actually give some spacifics. so, BYE



omg guess what!?!?!?!?!?!!? i thought i would just add this.....I HAVE GOTTEN A NEW COMPUTER!!!!! HAHAHAHAHA!!!! NOW I CAN GO ONLINE WITHOUT IT FREEZING EVERY 2 SECONDS!!! HEHEHEHEHE. i still don't have internet on it yet, but i will soon. woot woot!! and, this time it is actually a good one! muahahahaha.

ok, thats it


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