Jul 19, 2005 14:29
hey yall. greetings from YADAPP!!!! omg i DO NOT WANT TO LEAVE. this is the most amazing place ever, and its helping me to be positive and happy again. i cant begin to tell you the fantastic amazing things but i will have to sometime. i knew i was outgoing but ive never gotten an opportunity like this. while clueless teenagers stared at me and turned the other cheek i danced like a fool on the porch and forced people to ride the stallion. i talk to people and play games with whoever i pass around campus. all the students know and love me and RESPECT me. and it gets better at General Sessions. its one big party where i dance with my fellow youth leaders on stage and run around the crowd screaming clapping dancing and urging them to get hype. and we have guest speakers that are truly inspiring me and i feel like they're turning me a bit back in the right direction. and all us YL's! i cant explain how close we got in one weekend. we are one. we accept eachother and this (not counting 4h) is the only place where i can break free be myself and so much more. our energy is awesome. theres so much to say i could write a book on YADAPP. but lets just say im here at the perfect time. if i hadnt been accepted as a youth leader this year who knows what state i would be in right now. i feel so liberated and actually happy and secluded from everything thats been stressing me. IE. sara emailed me about fucking assignments and i straight deleted that shit. there is nothing more important than my well-being right now, and i couldnt be doing anything better for myself and all the participants here. *
oh n ps thanks arielle i dont have time to do comments right now but i love you and all supportive friends are greatly appreciated ill talk to you as soon as i can <3333