Stolen from watch4whales, who stole it from some else :)

May 09, 2008 23:35

What do you think the most common letter in the English Language?
E (I'm glad I know that as part of my random useless trivia)

Have you ever worn shoes without socks?
Only sandals/crocs (I finally gave into the OMG crocs are wonderful thing). Otherwise I like my socks tyvm :)

When was the last time you popped a mint?
I, erm, what?! I ate a polo about an hour ago. *confused*

Do you pop your gum?
Don't chew gum. Sweeteners do not like me (the feeling is mutual).

Do you know how to play any instruments?
Descant, treble and tenor recorders; oboe; piano, spinet and harpsichord. I never got past about grade 4 though.

Do you own an orange shirt?
Orange is a colour that looks awful on me because of my colouring. I own a few multi-coloured things with orange in them though.

Who do you want to be nominated as President of U.S. (e.g. Pitbull, John Mayer, Justin Timberlake, Britney Spears)?
I don't think I hate anyone that much

Do you use chapstick?
Yep - all the time

How many water bottles do you consume a week?
Ditto on the "I don't eat plastic". Any water bottles/other bottles I use I either re-use or recycle. I drink copious amounts of water though.

What is the best type of water (ex. Arrowhead, Fiji, Dasani)?
Bottled: Evian or Buxton. I mainly drink tap water though.

Where do you want to work while in College, if at all?
When I go back to college I'll have to do some counselling work (voluntarily since I'm training). I'd like to work with young people or with victims of domestic violence.

Are you currently in debt?
From uni yes. Damn bank keeps trying to give me a credit card though. More debt = bad.

Do you paint your toe nails?
I have once or twice, but I never bother now.

Off the top of your head, what do you think superfluous means?
Surplus to requirements/unnecessary.

When writing essays, do you write in a notebook and then type it, or type it right out of your head?
I take notes on paper if I'm getting info from books etc, but I'll start the essay on the computer.

Up to what grade level of math would you say you've completed?
Almost diploma level because I didn't finish my degree.

Do you like bread ends?
Toasted with cheese and beans. Otherwise no but I feed them to the rats.

How many pieces of ham on a sandwich?
Eww none!

What kind of cheese do you like?
Gruyère, mature cheddar, Laughing Cow (with twiglets), feta, mozzarella, ricotta.

Plain chocolate or stuffed with caramel or cherry?
Plain or with caramel - depends what mood I'm in. Not cherry though

What is your purpose in life?
Not sure yet

How many area codes do you use, are you familiar with?
I only really use two but I know a lot more. Mind you I think our area codes cover a much smaller area.

Do any of your siblings look like your twin?
LMAO. Absolutely not. My brother looks like my mum and I look like my dad though. Weird.

Would you ever wear an afro wig?
Yes, but only if I had a suitably wacky outfit to wear it with.

Have you ever donated your hair?
I thought about it when I had it all cut off as a teenager. Couldn't find anywhere to donate it to though.

Do you put lotion on your tummy?

What kind of lotion is your favourite?
Anything with aloe vera usually. Depends what for.

What's your top best radio station for news?
Horizon because the news is about 2 minutes long

What was the last thing you heard on the news?
That the lady who tried to poison her husband with rat poison is getting at least 5 years in prison.

How often do you pick up the newspaper to read?
A few times a week - depends how often we get the local paper.

How many stripes does the flag have?
Which flag?! Union Jack just has crosses.

Who made the original 13 starred flag of the U.S.?
Someone who liked shiny things

Have you ever heard a song by Pink Floyd?
I'm sure I have. Doesn't mean I can name one.

How many blogs do you have?

Have you ever used a sound as part of your password for anything (ex. kaboom, bowchiquiwowow)?
No. I'd be more likely to use onomatopoeia as a password. (Cookies for anyone who knows what it means)

What's your dream car?
A VW Beetle

Ninjas, Pirates, Thieves, or Politicians?
Ninjas - they're the only ones I'd want to learn something from.

Have you ever wanted to have a hook for a hand?
I can't say it's ever anything I've thought about

Do you think you'll ever have a six pack?
I have one in my fridge.

Have you ever counted the number of stairs you've climbed, if so what was the number?
yep. 12 I think. I was like 5

Have you ever worn cowboy boots?
No but I'd consider it

Who's Ralph Nader, and what did he do?
I have no idea

Have you given up trying to find Waldo?
Never tried to find him. I've tried to find Wally though. Some of them were impossible.

Ever played jacks?
Yep. We always used to get some in Christmas crackers

Do you think red lipstick is hot?
I'd guess it was kinda sticky

What does "drop it like it's hot" mean?

Have you ever named a part of your body?

What's the longest word you can remember right now?
I'd say onomatopoeia was pretty long. Very hard to spell as well.

Have you ever said "fine and dandy"?
Possibly when I was being sarcastic

What smiley face do you most often use?
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