Dec 25, 2015 23:58
Happy Holidays to all!
I am not dead! (Just a grad student.)
I bet you all are tired of these annual posts where I apologize for disappearing into the higher education system. I know I am, especially since I’m aghast at the fact that I posted zero times all year on LJ. /DESK/ Really? Was I that busy that I couldn’t even post my Yuletide fic from 2014 until today? Apparently. /MAJOR DESK/
So yes, I’m doing two concurrent Masters degrees (one academic year, one summertime), but I wanted my LJ friends to know I still think of you and miss those of you who used to come to Slashchat (I’m looking at you Byron’s Brain! /wink wink/) and those who can’t come as often (/smishes LG)
I've given up doing my stats and fic reviews which saddens me greatly. At one point I had the most amazing fic tracking documents and I relished counting up all my published and in progress fic at the end of the year. Now? I can't even face the task knowing I haven't recorded a single fic in them in over two years. /sheds a tear/
So I am still a lousy LJ friend with little hope of improvement, but I post this today to remind you all I still think of you and wish we were still a part of each other's lives even if just in fandom.
Despite the almost complete absence of replies to comments, I do still appreciate the support of my LJ friends and readers. Every time someone comments on one of my fic or responds to one of my now rare Confession posts I feel grateful that there are such good-hearted people out there and I feel lucky that you still care enough to reach out to me from time to time.
While I am super far behind on past years, I am still going ahead with my traditional holiday thank you to my F-list, offering to write short fic as gifts. Often it takes me the whole next year to get some of them done, some longer. But I do care and I do want to do this for my friends. I figure it's always a nice surprise when the fic show up in your inboxes, so why not keep working on them?
I know that I pretty much had to give up on doing any birthday fic so please do at least put a prompt here for me to fill for you. You - my LJ friends - are important to me and this is now one of my few ways to show it.
Leave a comment on this post between Christmas and January 31st and I'll respond with a custom ficlet just for you. (Note: If you changed your LJ name since we last connected it might be helpful for you to remind me of your old one so I know that I know you already!)
Here's my recently expanded published fandom list for you to choose from. You may pick a single fandom or two to crossover (crossovers a bonus!) or fuse. Gen, Het, Slash, Cest are all available as are crossover pairings.
Fic Fandoms:
Numb3rs, Supernatural, Heroes, Criminal Minds, The Unit, Psych, Bones, Miracles, Brimstone, Cupid, Blood Ties, Primeval, Doctor Who, Torchwood, Firefly, Burn Notice, Dollhouse, Leverage, The Mentalist, Castle, White Collar, Lie to Me, Covert Affairs, Hawaii Five-0, Sherlock, X-Men, Revenge, Forever, Scorpion, Sleepy Hollow, Elementary, Marvel's Agents of SHIELD, Sandman, His Dark Materials/The Golden Compass, Fairy Tales, Angel, Buffy
I'll also give a try if you want Blindspot (My new fave!), Rosewood (My other new fave!), Limitless (the TV show), The Librarians (the TV show), Person of Interest, John Doe, Max Headroom, Charmed or the Avenger Movieverse.
(Please note that I haven't seen every episode of many fandoms listed on this post, even my official ones, so my ability to fic them is limited. Also please try not to spoil me too much in your requests. Thx!)
Lurkers! Consider this your annual amnesty!
For those of you who read for the fic without ever commenting, if you were ever going to delurk, now's the perfect time to do it. Say hi, leave me a ♥ - whatever you feel comfortable with. If you have my LJ friended leave me a fandom and I'll write you a little ficcy present. What do you have to lose? I promise I don't won't bite. ;-)
I send greetings out to all of you and wish you a fabulous holiday season and a wonderful, healthy and happy new year in 2016.
2015 marked my 10 year LJversary. I joined in 2005 not knowing what to expect and found a world filled with tons of amazing like minds, boundless creativity and a small handful of really negative people who never managed to ruin it all despite their narrow-minded petty and mean spirited behavior. So to all of you who friended me with your LJs and your hearts, thank you for being my LJ friends.
P.S. If anyone still cares about Viceworld, Homicide (Book 1) got finished and is in beta for release in 2016. /crosses fingers/