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miracles_fanfic Title: Death and Consequences
Pairing/Characters: Alva, Paul, Evie, Poppi, Matty, Kenneth Webster, OCs
Rating: PG13
Spoilers: Series
Summary: As Evie takes Matty home Alva must deal with the consequences of Paul's decision (Paul is Dead Post-Ep/Alternate Ending)
Notes/Warnings: Read the
disclaimer on my LJ
Death and Consequences )
I failed so hard (didn't finish it until 8/08) that it took me a year and a half to even try again.
On 7/10/07 I successfully wrote and completed a Miracles ficlet called A Beacon in the Shadows. On 7/12/07 I wrote a slightly longer ficlet called Other Voices.
On 7/13/07, filled with hubris from my success, I started a Paul is Dead post-ep hurt/comfort opus, giving it the pretentious name of Death and Consequences.
And promptly returned to fail mode.
It would be December 2007 before I even attempted another Miracles fic and January of 2010 before I finally finished Death and Consequences.
Only when I finished it? Oh my. It went places I never dreamed - more than once!
So this fic may have taken years to completed, but I'll be damned if the final story didn't kind of blow my mind. (Not unlike my Yuletide fic God is Now Here.)
This may not be my best written Miracles fic ever, but for the pain it caused me, I forgive it, for there ended up being quite the story in there. I just had to be really patient for it to come out.
Alva's quote is from the bible - James 1:12 (King James Version) - as is his Job reference.
Very special thanks to betas melissima, t_vo0810 and sailorhathor for their assistance with this fic.
Emma DeMarais
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