Numb3rs Fic: Benefit of the Doubt

Nov 24, 2008 23:20

Written for numb3rs100 Challenge #187 - Debate

Title: Benefit of the Doubt
Pairing/Characters: Don/Colby, Dwayne
Rating: PG13
Word Count: 200
Spoilers: Trust Metric
Summary: Don hesitates and gives Colby the benefit of his doubt
Notes/Warnings: Read the disclaimer on my LJ


Don races across the subway platform; Dwayne and Colby are hemmed in - there's nowhere to go.

So they jump.

Don's looking right at Colby. He's so close; he can't miss. One shot is all it will take.

An internal debate rages; voices shout in his head: Traitor! Friend! Spy! Loyal! Colby!

A train is coming into the platform. There's only a second to act: to save a life or end one.

Don does not fire.



Colby's head is buried in his hands, grief clear in the brittle arc of his slumped shoulders. His cell phone - the bearer of bad news - lies still flipped open at his feet.

His head snaps up when Don lays a consoling hand on his shoulder; he's so lost in his pain he barely registers Don's presence.

"My mom... She's gone. I should have been there."

"I understand."

A man loses his mother: this Don knows.

There are no voices shouting down his decision this time.

"Come on. I'm going to take you home."

Home is Don's apartment. Home is Don's bed. Colby loses one home in the woman who gave him life and finds a new one in Don's arms.


numb3rs100, numb3rs, fic

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