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eppescest Title: Devolution
DevolutionPairing/Characters: Don/Charlie
Rating: NC17
Spoilers: Pilot, UP, Identity Crisis, Sacrifice
Summary: 1988 - Don was 18 when Charlie made his first attempt
Notes/Warnings: Read the
disclaimer on my LJ
Devolution )
Comments 17
I did so well with the Not the Only One Series, which is made up of 3 page long installments, that I figured I'd try doing another long series with 3 page long installments with Don/Charlie instead of Charlie/Colby.
Only it didn't quite turn out the way I'd hoped. It's way more complex.
I'll save most of my comments about this series for the series post - mostly because I'm tired and have NaNo brain and think I'd do a better job of it later - but I can tell you the basics of the series as it's planned.
There will be 14-15 separate fic in the series - all 3 pages long, all one word titles starting with D ( ... )
Yeah, this is big time angst/shame/depression here. It's messy and ugly and completely full of woe for at least the next few installments.
I promise it will get interesting and be not quite so melodramatic in the middle. There's some parts where Charlie finally starts to come into his own before we jump ahead to when Don moves home for his mother and their dynamic changes yet again.
You remind me of why so many people liked my fic Honey and Roses. I think people do kind of want that for them, unlikely as it is. Now if I could just finish the *sequel* to that fic, they'd get their happy time...
Thanks for taking the time to read and comment!
/still loves all over your icon after all this time/
This sounds like just the sort of story I've been waiting for.
As to this installment, I'm going to have to replace the tissues I leave by the computer for just such an occasion, and this is BEFORE I go to work!
And now I'm going to have to re-read NOO though I definitely prefer the Don/Charlie pairing, so I really feel like heading to Broken/Shattered (OMG I'm so depressed - but in a good way!)
This is definitely an angsty series, but while it calms down a bit from this dramatic opening that doesn't mean Charlie's in the clear. I don't want to give away too much, but our boys are definitely in for a rough ride over the next two decades. /nods/
Thank you for reading and for your lovely comment!
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