Written for
numb3rsficathon Challenge - Ben Ellis, Albuquerque, Television
Crossposted to
numb3rs_slash Title: Wilderness Bound
Pairing/Characters: Ian/Colby, David/OMC, Don/Robin, Charlie/Amita, Megan, Alan, William Bradford, OCs
Rating: R
Spoilers: Seasons 1-4
Summary: Ian and Colby partner up for a mountain man hunt with dire consequences
Notes/Warnings: Read the
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I really adore Ian's family and the whole Edgerton sense of humor. I was so glad the premiere a) didn't Joss me with opposing canon and b) underscored Ian's sense of humor, dovetailing nicely into how I wrote him and his family.
Now that I'm done writing the fic I feel kind of sad. I miss this Ian/Colby pairing and I miss his family. After ~31K of fic in 7 days though I'm ready for a vacation from them. No clue if there will be a sequel (what's left to say?) but they are a fun bunch and I think I'd enjoy spending some time at the ranch again.
Thanks for taking the time to read!
I think you really nailed Ian's voice and humour in this story and that's not easy. I think fic writers, my self included have a habit of writing Ian a little more serious and stoic, possibly because it's just easier.
And should you ever need to know persidure for a break like Colby's, if you don't have a handy rescue helicopter, is to use something like two ski polls, put them on either side of the leg, tie them in place above the break, then pull as hard as you can on the other side of the break so the bone isn't grinding, and while still pulling tie the polls to the leg below the break to keep the ends pulled apart. It's tricky and really a two man job but the person will stop screaming if you do it right.
Okay, OW!
I noted how calmly you wrote "the person will stop screaming if you do it right". Gah!
I knew about splinting like that, but the pulling? No wonder they gave people stuff like leather to bite down on. /shudder/
One thing I like about writing Ian is there are so many Ian's to write! I've written him scary, I've written him intense and dramatic, I've written him as a dom in BDSM numerous times and I've written him in relationships. But I do adore writing him with snarky humor. I'm just gratified that he so gleefully proved me right in 5.01. Yes, he was a bit too gleeful, but it made for such good fun during the episode, I didn't mind. So much Ian goodness after such a long wait? /loffs/
And the thing with that kind of break is that level of pain can increase the damage done by shock. it can basicly become lethal if there are any other major injuries. It can also lead to compartment syndrum if not dealt with depending on how bad the break is. There are reasons i don't ski. chance of a broken thigh and no help is a big one.
I learned about compartment syndrome on Bones of all places and did some research on it following. Can I just say ICK and OMG! "Fall into shock and die" indeed!
I've skied before and really? It's a rich person's sport/hobby and I really don't have time in my life for something that sucks up that much money and offers so little joy to me. /shrugs/ To each his or her own...
I haven't listened to the commentaries, that's awesome!
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