Nov 11, 2005 22:06
Why I am so tired,when its only 10pm and I got up at 1pm is beyond me.It is a mere 40 degrees,and I am freezing.Anyways,let's see woke up at 1pm and went to my Dad's radiation treatment at 1:40pm.Came home around 3:15.He had to talk to the stupid people there,so it took longer.They are so ignorant there I swear,but whatever.When I got home,I had checked my messages on AIM,Stephen left me one:o)yay!!!!!!Sucks he can't get online tonight,but its all chillen cuz he loves me.I talked to Annie boo,and this dude who I talk to on Mindviz I stil dunno his name,lol.He kind of annoys me though,stupid fuck.Other than I went on Myspace,Mindviz,Livejournal,checked my email,looked for jobs and stuff,all the routine stuff.I have to do some stuff next week.Bring my old scholarship check to Jessica Starr at the Admin. Building,so she can issue me a new one made out to Macomb Community College.I also am going to look for a jizzob oh yes go me!!!haha.I want to try to get up to the county building to get my Birth Certificate too sometime.My sister went to her friends brothers Birthday Party tonight,she still isn't home tho.I ate some Hot Pockets,yummy.I am going to write my friend Jamie a letter probaly tomorrow,she wrote me a lot before and I send her one letter but that was a while back so I have to send another,a lot of shit just been going on,or I was lazy.I watched my shows,what I like about you,Reba,and Twins.and My kitty layed on me.First time he ever layed with me,made me smile,I loves my kitty hehe.Seemore is laying there now.The other hoodlums are romping around the hizzouse.My brother Bobby should be coming down tomorrow,and my brother Edmund should be getting his car.Stephen should be coming home for thanksgiving,a week from today or tomorrow,woo hoo!!Shania Twain is playing,man I feel like a woman oh oh oh.good song there.I am going to try and write some more poems,havent done that in a while.Guess I been preoccupied or something,idk.But I am making a goal to write some.Dude there are already Christmas decorations up downtown,and commercials for holiday stuff,kinda depressing seeing that A.We don't have our own place to live. B.Dad has cancer,altho it should be cured soon.yay! and C.we can't afford any presents.My mom is trying to come up with some money for thanksgiving dinner.We werent going to have one really,but my dad can eat now so we probaly will altho he really can't taste anything.My neck is sore,grrrr guess that is what happens when you have to sleep on a couch.The day we move out and I got my own room,well even if I must share it with my sister,I am not coming out of it fo like a week haha.Who knows when that will be though,thanks to my jackass brother Bobby.Ok well Thats my life and it sucks,so