Whee! kathrynt and I are sadly not well-enough known to make the blurb, though. Also of interest to me is CD versions of IK back issues, $20 for a year's worth of issues. I think I may have to get them considering how the kids have been destroying magazines.
The house a few doors down that was listed for sale at 1.15 million bucks has, astonishingly, sold... though I don't know for how much. It's bigger and nicer than ours, with a bigger lot and a kitchen remodel right before it went up for sale, so I don't think we're at the million-dollar home point yet. Egad, though.
Wm has been a righteous pill lately. I find myself hoping he's doing a last hurrah of "terrible twos" before his birthday in a couple of weeks, but I'm not going to hold my breath. Pip was so much easier at this age.
We went to Remlinger Farms this weekend and Pip discovered the
climbing wall. He was uncertain about the harness, but managed to get about six feet up on his own. I got some pretty
henna on my hand, just because. Reactions have been entertainingly mixed -- "WTF happened to your HAND?" "oh, pretty henna!" "whoa, is that a real tattoo?" I find myself utterly charmed by the little flowers near my fingernails. Wm spent most of the afternoon climbing in and out of an out-of-commission school bus they had.
Concerts next week, rehearsal last night was very discouraging. I hope it's a "bad rehearsal good performance" situation and that people were jogged into studying their music between now and next Monday. Sigh.