the search for common ground.

Mar 08, 2006 15:23

I've been accused of unfairness from both sides of a knitting drama-fest. So I'm going to put down some points here to explain where I stand and why I reacted as I did.

1. To suggest that people are incapable of paying attention to a speaker while knitting is absurd.
2. There are some people who can pay attention much BETTER while engaged in an activity such as knitting.
3. Sometimes this is due to a condition such as ADHD, other times it is merely to stave off boredom. It's impossible to tell by just looking.
4. If someone needs accomodation because of special needs, that should be granted. Oftentimes this is as simple as approaching the lecturer beforehand and explaining the situation.
5. Knitting is a useful way to redirect fidget-energy, and is relatively unobtrusive.
6. Nevertheless, there may be situations in which other people find knitting to be an inappropriate activity, because it distracts other attendees, appears unprofessional, etc.
7. Sometimes this is a silly objection based on issue (1). However, an appearance of professionalism can be all-important in certain lines of work.
8. If your line of work falls into category (7), where knitting would be frowned upon, it would be a good idea to find some other form of compensating for attention issues to use instead of knitting.
9. This does not mean that you are unsuited to the job and need to find another one, just that you need different coping techniques.
10. If I believed someone seriously meant that people with disabilities of some sort cannot do a job without accomodation, they need to find a different job, I would be outraged.
11. I honestly believe that the issue irihs was discussing was the need for situationally appropriate accomodation, rather than item (10). I agree her original wording was somewhat unfortunate.
12. If anyone suggests I fail to grasp the need for accomodation for people with special needs, I will first laugh in their faces and then tear them a new one.
13. I understand it takes two to tango, and tried to make moderator comments to all parties consistently. But this week I'm sick, tired, pregnant and human -- I make mistakes sometimes. I don't notice things sometimes. I get driven to throw up my hands and say "what the fuck" sometimes. Occupational hazards of being a person. Sorry if I hurt any feelings, I truly did not intend to.

Also, I figure if both sides think I've been unfair, that suggests I've been treading the middle road fairly well. I don't think I have much more to say about this whole thing.


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