I ran late putting this entry up as I was going out for dinner last night with work friends and at the last minute arranged to give one of them a lift, which involved very hasty tidying of the house so I would not be reported to the relevant health authorities.
I don't think I can talk about this book without spoilers. I personally wouldn't heed the spoiler warning as there are so many names and corpses and so on but in case you have a good memory: SPOILER SPOILER SPOILER!!! FOR EVERY I CLAUDIUS ENTRY FROM NOW ON!!
OK. I was dithering over whether I liked Livia or not. As I said at Bookshelves of Doom, she's evil but in an admirably manipulative and efficient manner. Well, no more dithering after she bumped off Claudius' poor little fiancee! She is very bad and must be stopped!
I liked all the stuff about Augustus hectoring the bachelors for not getting married and it turning out that it's the noble women who don't want to let themselves in for childbirth and the loss of their dowries. However, all the betrothals and marriages and divorces are quite complex, especially as they seem to be keeping it within the same extended family. Say what you will about the role of divorce in society, you have to admit it would be easier to keep track of people's relationships in a society where it was not allowed!
Cladius continues to be shown as learning lots of useful skills about speaking and writing history. But I'm glad Livia seems to be continuing to underestimate Claudius - it seems like a far safer position to be in.
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Bookshelves of Doom!