I have been too busy revising for the life in the UK test today (holiday was too fun to bother with much studying) but I promise I will be back to regale you with interesting facts that all British people apparently need to know.
1. We’re home from a great trip to Scotland. Highlights included an early morning start at
Loch Garten RSPB reserve that was rewarded by sightings of capercaillie, ospreys and red squirrels
2. Orkney was as full of interesting historical sights as I had hoped. As well as the famous sites like
Skara Brae,
Ring of Brogdar and
Maes Howe (Viking graffiti inscriptions!) I managed to undermine my self-assessment of myself as a rational person by getting the heebie jeebies while standing alone in a 5000 year old small stone tomb with a flickering torch. It wasn’t possible to run out (very small tunnel entrance that required crawling) but my exit was not leisurely!
3. When our car door was ripped from my hand by the howling wind on Orkney (seriously, I thought I would get blown away at one stage!) and smacked into the car next to me, the car owner laughed and said worse things had happened to the car, and not to worry about it!
4. Culinary highlights included yummy single malt whisky tasting and fresh seafood
5. My potato plants have grown so much while I was away! I was wrong to give up on them.
6. And while on the subject of not giving up on plants, the fuchsia I thought was killed by the cold winter has come back to life and has tiny flower buds all over it.
7. I have an abundance of books at the moment, which always makes me feel happy!
If I don't get the Scotland photos up by the end of the month please feel free to make pointed comments! In the meantime you can enjoy Mother's Day pictures and posts at
Seven Impossible Things Before Breakfast.