If you feel like exploring some links...

Mar 25, 2004 13:29

Just a bunch of website helps and gardening links...

Helpful Tools
Colourificator - Handy tool to use to find the HEX code for any color.
Online Color Schemer - Handy to create matching color schemes, if you don't care about sticking to non-dithering colors.
Arachnophilia - HTML Editor - I use it quite frequently. I like it, because you can see what your html is doing, as you write it.
SmartFTP - This is what I use, I don't know if it's of any interest to you, but I thought I would include it.

Website Creating Help
Kali's Web Shoppe - Help with HTML, CSS, and beyond. I'm always returning here to remember/learn how to do something or another.
Web Page Design For Designers - CSS From The Ground Up - The BEST CSS tutorial that I've found so far.
Lissa Explains it All - A lot of people like this website, but I find it a little hard to navigate
What Is Copyright? - Very helpful.

Graphic Goo - Helpful for graphic and webpage design.

White Flower Farm - I haven't ordered from these people yet, but I intend to this year, if I can ever decide what I want. I love to look at their catalog though, it's really well put together.
David Austin Roses - If someone loves roses, this catalog is a feast for the eyes! I haven't ordered from these people either.
Miller Nurseries - I have ordered from these people before - Strawberries, I think - and I was very pleased with the company.
Country Living Gardener - This is a magazine I'm going to subscribe to, as soon as I remember to send the subscription form in. I really like it, it has nice, clear pictures, helpful tips on how to grow/prune/design plants and gardens and is still not overwhelming.
John Scheepers Bulbs - I've ordered from these people before, and I've been very pleased. I doubt if I'll ever order from a different bulb company.
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