I love this picture and I love how JM's family has made me part of their tribe. This was taken at Christmas, in Pagnol country. I love their default attitude: if JM loves her, she must be made of good. Fitting into another family is never an easy dovetail for me, coming from a home where love, respect and nurturing were not part of any household manual my mother used as a playbook. I am deeply appreciative of his extended family's open arms policy. Especially on the part of his children, for whom this situation was unexpected. But they like and appreciate me in a way that is quite genuine and generous.
JM's parents' house is full of books, music and art. In every room there is something you want to take down and sit with for awhile. When you tire of being inside, you walk down four blocks to the sea. There you can stroll for kilometers, if no Mistral, and have the sweet Mediterranean light warm your face while you watch kite surfers and crashing waves.
I've had a large dose of change in the past [years, months]. New body, new job, new living situation, both girls now out of the house (my youngest graduated from university in December, my oldest is moving in with her beau until September then leaving with him for Yale where he'll be doing graduate work). I've thrown off loads of ballast which makes me feel a bit unstable, but life is slowly righting itself.
This man is spun sugar, the perfect track, a bath of radiance, pure poetry. I will never tire of reminding myself how fortunate I am, we are, to have found each other. I wouldn't say we were born to be together, because that's way too Hallmark-y for even me, but it fills me with so much happiness to know that he is mine and I, his. I have never loved so well, nor been loved so well.