New Family: now naked!

Mar 25, 2019 14:04

In the Big News Department: JM is taking me to meet his parents in June.

Of course I'm kind of nervous about this--I really really really want them to like me--but JM assures me they already like me. (I think they love their son so much that they would love anyone he loves.) But you know, it's his parents.

I'm really curious to see how he interacts with them, and what he is like in his role as Son. I know he is close to his folks. His entire family is very tight-knit. His mom has 8 siblings so JM has a ton of 1st cousins and they all get together each year in the Alps for what is called a "cousinade", or family reunion, where they hike everyday for a week. Like 50 of 'em, Aunts, Uncles, name it.

Oh, also? His family---all of them--were nudists.

OK, that's an odd thing, certainly. I mean where I come from that's an alt activity. But this must be something they do in the South, because I know there are a lot of nude beaches where he grew up. JM insists it has nothing to do with sex or lust, but rather just a desire to be unclothed in the Mediterranean sun. JM has zero body issues. Really. Nothing. He grew up around all his Aunts and Uncles and everyone related to him just living the naked life in their family vacation home. I asked him how this affected his sexuality--I mean c'mon, you've got all these hot cousins and Aunts just lounging around totally naked, it has to be stimulating when you are are 14 year-old boy but he insists it wasn't. That said, he had a teenage crush on one of his cousins (not the one he married) who was kind of plump, and I'm convinced this is where his preference for curvy women came from.

So good for nudists! Because JM grew up seeing all sorts of body shapes and sizes and ages and genitals that were hairless or not and how many variations there can be in vulvas and all their secrets. He's probably the only man I know whose taste in women was not shaped by porn, because he had real live imperfect naked women all around him during his formative years.

Thankfully, I will not have to be naked when I meet the parents, nor will they be.

Also this will be my first trip after my tummy tuck so I won't be getting naked on the beach anyway. (I can't expose the scar for one year after the operation, or it won't fade nicely.) I guess we'll have to hold off our nudist colony holiday until 2020.

Ha. As if. As my friend Jill says, "It's always those whom you'd never want to see naked that practice nudism."

jean-marc, jm, love, health

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