Jan 10, 2006 17:17
Someone said something today that apalled me. She said, "I hate how feminists are always getting mad when someone says that guys are stronger than girls. Because, well, they are. I hate feminists".
It seems to me that feminism is one of the taboo "isms" these days. People just don't like it. From being parodied in Legally Blonde ("It's all about subliminal domination, Warner. Take this school. Semester. Do you get it? Semen to ovaries. That's why I've petitioned for next term to be called the Winter Ovester") to hearing girls say they hate feminism because, "I like it when guys hold the door open for me."
Feminism is not about denial of scientific fact. In general, males are physically stronger than females. That is a fact. Feminism is not beating a guy in arm wrestling to prove you are just as strong as him. It's being allowed to get the enjoyment and benefit of athletics.
Neither is feminism, in it's true sense, obsessed with linguistics. First of all, that quote from Legally Blonde is nonsense. It's supposed to be. It's not what a real feminist would ever say. Feminism is not an obsession with "fireman" because it should be "fireperson" or "patriot" because it is evil and stems from the Latin word meaning "father". The fact that those words are the way they are is not because of some grand conspiracy. It's because in history, when they were first being used, men were considered superior to women. It's a historical matter. No one ever complains when we use the many words with religious origins, racist origins, or political origins as long as they are not part of our intent. If we change some of it, we have to change all of it, and thus the very foundation of the English language. I say, there's no point.
I like having guys hold the door open for me as well. Feminism is not against all common courtesy. It just doesn't want people to feel patronized. Like, "I am holding the door open for you because you can't do it yourself." Not, "I am holding the door open for you because I'm nice and I want to be helpful."
Girls, feminism is responsible for the more privileged existence you enjoy today over women in previous eras. Do you like school? Do you like being able to have sex before marriage without having your future destroyed? Do you like playing sports, or acting, or writing? Do you have any ambition? Then thank feminism.
Today we have all those things, but feminism still exists. It's not to argue about words or customs, but to ensure that we are not losing human potential and social capital because girls feel like they have to fit in a certain mold, worry about their appearance constantly, and generally be "girly". That's how you get a lot of people who go through life without anything special. Greatness demands better uses of time, which is why you hear more about great men than women. Albert Einstein certainly didn't spend hours every day styling his hair. Have you seen any pictures of him?
I actually don't consider myself a vehement feminist, although this makes me sound like it. I do however, have a great respect and sense of gratitude to feminism, and I am often afraid to voice this because I feel like it is so unpopular in our school.
To the girl who said the quote that inspired this entry: If you hate feminists, get out of school, go home, put on a skirt and corset, and get in the kitchen. That's where you would be without them.