Dec 10, 2006 22:02
"And finally, lets talk about Stargate: Atlantis, because most of you are, and I've been getting a ton of questions about the thing, so lets just get it out in the open. I know it's finally been revealed that Paul McGillion is leaving the show, and since I'm coming on the show, a lot of you have it in your head that I'm "replacing" him. First of all, our characters are quite different from each other. Second of all, Paul has a penis, so we're quite opposite from each other. Third of all, I'm not a regular cast member and I've only signed on to do a certain number of episodes (not 15-or at least that was news to me when I heard that on the internet!). One thing I should tell you is that Paul and I are very close friends. He lives three blocks away from me (in my mom's building-- how weird and random is that?) and we see each other all the time. I can honestly say he's one of the sweetest and most lovely people to work with (the crew of Atlantis raves about him), and I really just adore him. I can't comment on the why in terms of his character's absense in the next season, but the best thing about sci fi is nothing is forever! It's like soap operas-like, maybe in Serenity 2 Wash will have an evil identical twin! (Yeah, Joss, I know, that idea sucks-and if it doesn't suck and you actually write that one day, I want credit for it) Anyway, I'm really excited about coming on to Atlantis and playing another prodigy-genius mechanic to genius doctor, I am truly moving up in the world! Maybe next time I'll play the president! heh heh. Just please have an open mind, and don't hate me-it's not my fault. I'm just an actor who jumped at the chance to work with a really fun cast in my favorite city (mine) and play a young smarty pants MD with a cool uniform. Can you blame me?"
Oh dear. I knew there was some bashing going on, but it seemed like just a little and I didn't think it would reach that far. The bashing I've seen was mostly in the form of "Oh, she's just there for eye candy!" and "Great, another set of boobs!" Crass, rude stuff like that which should not be taken seriously at all. I am most definitely not one of those mean (and possibly paranoid) people...I'm upset that Beckett will be gone and I said that Jewel looks too young to be a doctor, but I don't believe in blaming the actress. In fact, I thought it was kind of insulting to her that it looked like the producers wanted to "test-drive" everything first. Of course that feeling was based on speculation from producers' various comments, but still. ETA: Finally figured out why I felt that way -- it's because it smacks of snap decision-making just for the sake of making a big bang. If this was more thought-out, there wouldn't be so much of an uncomfortably tentative attitude toward the character of Dr. Keller and Beckett's fate. All the "wait and see" is too convenient of a back door escape in case the new character doesn't work out for some reason or other. It feels kind of like shifting the blame early, "just in case," which I interpret as disrespectful to JS. If they're not prepared to handle a new character, then why waste the talents of not just one but two performers?
I feel bad for Jewel! She can act and I'm sure she can be a convincing doctor despite her youth. Though the news of Beckett disappearing was upsetting, I had always planned to watch season 4. Hey, they can bring Beckett back and then there'd be two cool MDs on Atlantis. *clings to hope*
ETA: Just please, PLEASE do not attempt a massive overhaul like they did for season 2+ of Earth: Final Conflict...the show sucked horribly because it was like they ditched 96% of the original plans and concepts (plus their sympathetic main character and most of the intelligent, layered story arcs) in order to have bigger explosions, lamer action sequences, poorly-executed sci-fi cliches, and more obvious models-turned-actresses running around in tight outfits. I'm not exaggerating -- it's the only show I really liked and was fannish about (I had a fricking wall poster in my possesion!) that I ended up ditching because of the downturn in quality.