Its the little things that count

Jun 05, 2007 18:35

I'm going to post this to an online magazine and since I dont have much else to say, I'm posting it here as well.

It’s the little things that count

Last week I was home sick with the flu. Everything always seems to be such an effort when I’m ill. I tried my hand at writing but that seemed too much effort, reading a book hurt my eyes, really all I wanted to do was lie on the couch and feel sorry for myself.
This week I’m feeling much more alive again and my mind has turned to all those healthy ideas you find in the magazines. The glossy pictures of fit healthy slim people seem to be saying ‘get out of your slothful ways, you too can look like us.’

Sometimes it seems difficult to set a regime to look after our health and well being, to exercise, to diet, to be consistent in daily devotions. I almost want to have a lie down again.
Yet really, we only have to make small changes to our normal routine and it wont be long before we notice we are healthier, fitter and ready to take on the world. The following steps may be useful for you too.

Step One, Have a plan, break it down into tasks and don't stress if at first you don't succeed.
Step Two, set your alarm to the music of your choice and wake up to something other than that horrid alarm clock. Also, setting your alarm 5 minutes before you need to get out of bed gives you time to adjust to the morning but not enough time to go back to sleep. Get up 10 minutes earlier and try some deep breathing exercises and some bending and stretching.
Step Three, Eat healthy. Include lots of fruit and dark green leafy vegetables which contain magnesium and will improve memory. Careful of the flatulence when you change your diet too drastically all at once though.
Step Four, avoid that coffee pot and try some Green Tea with your breakfast of fruit and whole grains.
Step Five, Start walking each day for 15 minutes and extend the time as you begin to feel fitter. Walking is fantastic for lowering stress, sleeping better and it is also cost effective. All you need is a good pair of walking shoes.
Some ideas for incorporating walking into your every day activities are:-
Park your car on the outskirts of the shopping centre so that you have to walk further.
Walk up the stairs instead of using the lift.
Put on some lively music when you are doing the housework and move and sing in time to the music. You might want to lock your door and close the windows if you have a voice like mine.
Step Six, Enjoy life, try something creative and new that you haven’t tried before.
Step Seven, Tell yourself its ok to say NO to some requests. Often we think we have to do something we don’t want to do and this leaves us feeling stressed.
Step Eight, Remember FAT (feelings, action, thought). Our feelings guide our thoughts and actions. Be on the look out for negative or unhelpful thoughts and change them into a positive.
Step Nine, If you fall off the wagon simply get back on and start over.
Step Ten, Spending time alone with God is the pivot that everything else in life depends on.

And remember, its never too late to be what you might have been. (George Eliot)
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