It's our darling
danamulder's birthday today! Happy birthday, Cass, I hope you have a superfantastic day and I use my Welling icon in your honor. *KISSES*
"The Largest Medieval Event in East Anglia-with JOUSTING!! [...] PLUS “Schelmish” top German Medieval Band-they Rock!!!!!"
I am so there. It was the exclamation marks that sealed the deal.
RPS fic rec:
Breaking Status Quo or How to Ruin a Perfectly Good Friendship in Five Steps or Less by
raina_at (Jared/Jensen, adult)
Maybe if Jensen had met Jared in 2003, on some WB cast party, maybe they'd have hit it off, and maybe Jensen would've had the balls to actually hit on Jared without the Damocles sword of a TV show and a really great friendship to wreck.
Or maybe Jensen's just full of it and should concentrate on here, now, and hauling ass the fuck out of here before he makes a complete idiot of himself.
Oh, these boys.
Spn fic rec:
But I Never Could Sharpen No Blade, Quite the Way He Say by
onelittlesleep (Gen, Dean pov, pre-series, R)
Pre-series road trip. Sam and Dean being so completely Sam and Dean. The ending broke me into tiny little pieces.
Team Aniston: I finally posted a few more of my
Break Up premiere pics over at
janiston_daily the other day. Join! Post a pic! Pimp!