Jun 13, 2003 11:47
Girls want what they can't have. I don't care what you or your momma says, but it's the truth. Ever go shopping, see something you want, decide not to buy it, and then kick yourself in the ass later that night for not purchasing it? You endlessly gripe about that one garment that you just have to have, dreaming of how many hot men you'll score with this number, until finally, you make room on your credit card bills, and cha-ching! Congratulations Ms. thang, it's yours!!
Indeed this theory applies with men as well, but we're on the subject of women here. So women want men they can't have. In the trials and tribulations of finding that perfect partner, girls will go through men like a pair of jeans. You're always looking for a better and newer pair, until you find a style that fits and is suitable for that period of time and fashion. Back to the point, women yearn men who keep them interested. Mystery is a key element. Many of us are more curious than George the Monkey, and will dig deep to get to know every aspect of a man - his entire history, what he ate for breakfast and who he was dry humping in the fifth grade. The less you reveal, the more we want to know or we'll label you as an insensitive, unable-to-connect-with-his-inner-emotions prick.
Just how sensitive do we want you to become? Answer is, not more than us. We want to date a man, someone who is understanding of our holy existence, but not someone who will cry when Dylan dumped Brenda for Kelly on 90210. Knowing when to give in and show when you care is important. But giving in wayyyy too much, in which it becomes suffocating, will leave us with exactly no room to breathe.
There is such a thing as too much attention. In the beginning, girls will vy for a man's attention, which isn't too difficult to attain. Sure the flowers, poems, telephone calls, emails, home-baked cookies, photoshopped pictures of your future kids and all of those goodies you shower us women are great to a certain extent. Remember, we want you to want us, but we want you to not want us. Sound confusing? Well it ceratinly is.
So what happens when a woman has outworn her garment or pair of jeans? F aster than you can change the channel, a woman's heart can be quite fickle. All those gifts, time, money and talk of little babies is in the past. This stage is called Overkill. The man has let down all his guards, stepped into female territory and lost his manly characteristics that were once quite charming. Sobbing and professing your love won't win you back the woman of your dreams. It'll just remind her of what a loser you are.
In the major scheme of events, women don't want to only be fed with a spoon. We'd like to feed ourselves, our babies AND make the damn meal. Message I'm poorly conveying here is that men are like projects. Build, bend, wriggle and tumble dry until they are ideally fitting. For a woman to stay sane, she needs a man who will simply compliment her when she's beautiful, tell her when she's fat, accompany her to her mother's house, yet for you go to sporting events with your male buddies and turn your head when a Brooke Burke look-alike does walk by. We need to be fulfilled but not over indulged.
Over time, us ladies will always have that favorite pair of jeans, and by the time we mature & are stable with our feelings, it could just be you