BAH humbug!!!!!

Dec 12, 2006 00:10

Well im affishally (yes that is how im going to spel it) a myspace 'who' 're' and iv seriously neglected my LJ :(
Its the pretty lights and things i can do and more to the point the people i find...
Its damn good!
But so that you LJs dont feel left out im still here to comment on the apitimey (see above comment!) that is my life!
So iv banned xmas coz im skint! ok so when i say iv banned i havent i just cant afford to go out and havent bought any prezzies yet and will probably end up making half / most of them anyway. and because i have such wonderful friends theyl love them to pieces because of the thought and time ive taken and not think that it has to be about how much iv spent and what designer name it is (or isnt in my case!)
Wont they????????
Iv made some really cute things and will try to make pretty hand made cards to when i get the stuff.
So maybe on a more positive note i mite not cancle christmas maybe just move it back a week... or two...heehee.
Well il try to keep in touch more but if i dont get to talk to you any before xmas may i take this oportunity to wish you a very merry bo crim... bo!
i would say and a happy new year but i intend to be back in time to say that at another day so
bon voiage.
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