Random Rambles written for noone.

Feb 22, 2006 19:59

Here is some advice
Take it or leave it
Fuck if i care
You know this

It seems that every single person I have seen/talked to/listened to lately/etc etc etc, is stressed/down about something/worried/confused etc etc etc....
SO. Here is what I say to you...since I know alittle somethin about being stressed and confused...

Sit down. Breathe. Relax. Everything that happened today, is not going to happen the same way tomorrow. So. Instead of freaking out, change it. If you can't change it, forget about it. In about a week or so, it won't bother you as much. If it still does, then you need to calm the fuck down. Then, once you are calm, come over to my house and i will feed you cookies and u can scream into one of my pillows, for I do not want to alarm the neighbors, nor do I want to go even more deaf that I already am. The neighbors are crazier than you, trust me. Wear sunblock. This reminds me of that song/poem thing. Ha. Sorry. ANYHOOT. Sleep, it makes you healthier. Trust me. I've managed to sleep on average 5 hours a night now! WOOO! Movin on up, to the east side. This excites me. It should excite you too. Why? Because I said so.
You're family loves you, even if you don't see it. So do your friends. Open your eyes.....keep going...wider. If you can't see that they have any love for you whatsoever, then come to me. I love you. I will hug rape you to no end. You know this, if you didn't, you would have stopped reading already. Drink water. It's good for you. Don't drink deerpark though, bc according to Ms. Porto it has really bad shit in it.Apparently water is the univeral solvent too. Don't ever listen to Ms. Porto. She tells you that you lose 1000 brain cells everytime you hit your head. This is not true. I believed her for years. I am not dumb. Neither are you. BUT I am more gullible than you, for this I am certain. Back to subject...Read a book. It can't hurt. Sing a song. It will make you happier. Dance around and spin in circles. Not too much, but just enough. Fall back into your best friends arms without looking. Let me take pictures, bc if you have bestfriends like mine, they'll drop you and laugh their asses off. As will I. As will you. You won't feel the bruise bc you laughed your ass off. HAHA. Okay, that wasnt funny. You didn't get it did you. I'm elbow nudging by the way. I understood. I am the only one who will read this. I don't care. WELL ANYWAY. This is all you need to know basically....

You are one badass mother fucker and I love you.
Now let me go take my advice.
Oh and if you pray, please pray for my grandpa.
Much appreciation to you.
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