Now that the first day of snow is here...I can officialy say it's Holiday time. The other day I had the worst day and Joey bought me the Nightmare Before Christmas...and it really made my day! I love that movie; we used to have it on VHS but my dad didn't like it because "they plot against Santa" so he smashed it. Trust me, he's not getting hold of my DVD. I love all the holidays, but thanksgiving and christmas are just the greatest. I love getting gifts for people, even though I probably can't afford them right now. I actually spend a lot of time thinking about the right gifts it's so hard to decide on one thing for each person because there are so many things I'd like them to have. Thanksgiving is going to be at the Angle's house again, of course. Gracey wants to make sure my mom makes potatoes o' groton and I'm making sure she makes the pumpkin soup which is awesome. I also really want a kahlua cake from Foley's for my birthday; I remember Gracey got one a couple years ago for her suprise party and it was the best cake I'd ever had. I'm happy because this is the first time in a long time that I have practicly no homework this weekend and I can just RELAX instead of worrying about getting it all done. We're going to see Nathan in his guitar concert tonight which should be fun and I think tomorrow my brother and sister are singing in church. My mom talked to me the other day about sending them away to boarding/choir school if they can get a scholarship. I doubt it will happen, but it would really change things around here. She said I could kind of have my own apartment in the upstairs; that could be cool. I don't know, I think it would just be too quiet here if that can be a bad thing.
Ahh this is funny the snake is trying to go from my neck down my arm, though not very successfully. I had to help her shed the other day because she did such a crappy job on her own; it was cool though, I've never shed a snake before. She is getting so big that I have to start giving her more mice. She tried to strike at me the other day when I tried to pick her up after feeding time because she thought my hands were mice. Haha, she was really hungry! She is really growing fast. Beks said that her friend was breeding snakes and was looking to give them away or sell them(I'm not sure yet) I might take one although my mom might kinda get pissed and think I was insane. I don't know though, I really want to eventually get a green tree python and I think they're hard to find around here. I was thinking that the best time to look would be when my dad takes me to Phoenix on April vacation. I don't know how I would pull that one off though because my dad is petrified of snakes and I don't know how I would get it on the plane without him knowing...put in my pocket maybe? I don't know, probably bad idea I'll have to look online sometime and see if i can find a breeder. I'm not going to get one right away, but I know eventually I will. just look here and you'll see why I have to have one: are absolutley amazing! Yah I know I'm starting to get a wierd fetish for snakes, don't judge me :-)