Jan 03, 2006 19:43
Ok so Christmas, New Years, the whole deal has come and gone. Now I'm 18 which means I have a) gotten a debit card b) gotten a Sam's Club membership card( for my new tires) c) bought ciggarettes (not for me) and d) pretty much everything else in my life stays the same. It's funny because I remember a time 3 years ago when I couldn't wait until the day I would be away from the troubles of a minor, yet now that I'm there, everything stays the same.
I've finished applying to colleges, all 11 of them and so far I've been accepted to USM(woot woot now I know I can go to college for sure) I made an audition cd with the help of my teacher, which hopefully will help me but we'll see.
Megan got back from her cruise of the Carribean last night and we had a lot of fun with her exquiste 8 dollar purchase in Puerto Rico. Apparently when people go on cruises they spend the absolute whole time wasted; sounds interesting to completely disconnect from life for one week but I don't think I'll be taking a cruise anytime soon...
Let me just end on a good note and say that if there is anything I wanted now, it is nothing, not money, not happiness, not a new car, not to get into college(ok well maybe), ok maybe there is one thing: more time; time is never enough, but I think I'm happy to say that at the same time. It's a good thing to want. Also sleep but I think that's temporary, but whenever I try to get it certain people call me a party pooper; they just won't understand.