Apr 24, 2009 13:02
A bit of a break, but I'm back. I needed the R&R, and apparently also needed time to absorb some changes.
New Userpic, as you can see; one of the changes is that I have to get more into my own body/life/existence, and stop trying to change things to what I want them to be, instead of what they are. Part of that is my no longer colouring my hair. I hate that. I look better with darker hair, I hate blondey-gingery-auburn hair, but pretending I'm who-I-want-to-be doesn't make me so. And I'm probably better off saving the time and the money and the effort, and not dousing myself in chemicals every 4-6 weeks... So I'm off to make the change in one fell/foul swoop of expensive, chemical soaked badness. I bet it will look horrible. But... I promised Himself I would no longer chop my hair off, so He snickered while I tried to figure out how to get back to something resembling my natural hair colour without either breaking my promise or living with shocking and drastic colour-difference regrowth for practically forever. (The userpic hair colour isn't quite right, but the closest I could get on e-louai.)
Anyway, shiteload of stuff happened, but all small subtle, so it may take time to come out in the LJ wash... I'll get it out eventually.
personal development lessons,