Lost is losing me. I don't know what it is, precisely, but I feel like they're just jerking me around. It doesn't remotely resemble the show I loved first season, or that I saw glimmers of last season. I'll give it a few more episodes, but I suspect my Wednesday nights will soon be open again. Which is fine, because there's always plenty of work to be done.
I'm trying to avoid a long, ranty post about everything that's wrong right now. Mostly I'm tired and frustrated and really in need of some time away from everything. But even a vacation wouldn't help, as I'm carrying all my baggage with me as a permanent fixture these days, so there's not much point in wishing. I think I'd settle for something really nice happening, as it's been a while. I'm not certain what would qualify. Time holding still; the institution of a 30-hour day; someone dying and leaving me twenty or thirty thousand dollars. All those would be good.
On the work front, I'm transcribing this evening, tapes from P's set visit to OotP last month. I'm now thoroughly spoiled on visual effects, cut scenes, and a dozen other details, and I'm not even finished. It's not that I mind, really; it's just a reminder that the film won't even be out for another nine months. Sometimes my various jobs really leave me puzzled as to how on earth I got here. Life is so odd.
On the books-with-covers front, I'm nearly finished with Melusine by Sarah Monette (
truepenny). This is a major accomplishment, given my schedule, since the book is nearly five hundred pages long. Of course, Sarah's plugging along on revising the third book in the series, and book 2 has been out for a few months, but I never claimed to be up-to-date in my reading by any scope of the imagination. Life is short, time is precious, and I've still got several thousand pages of manuscripts to read, so any pleasure reading I manage is definitely a bonus. But I was happy to discover why exactly Sarah had no problem pronouncing my name when I met her at World Con: It appears in the book. Rather prominently, in fact. Nothing like a classically educated English major to make a girl feel like she's part of the mainstream. No more running to Bulfinch's Mythology to prove my name does actually exist... I'm happy to report that I was enjoying the book very much long before my name appeared. This is world-building at its finest, and I heartily recommend it to the 2.6 people on my friends list who have yet to read it.
On that note, I'm going to go read for an hour before bed and see if maybe, possibly, I can finish.