I must say that I am absolutely appalled at this!! Please if you agree with me take action. This involves innocent children who have nobody to protect them except the public.
I received an email from the Council for Exceptional Children (CEC) stating that the EPA has proposed to do environmental testing on individuals that are abused and neglected. The research is going to take place in countries where there are no or little ethnical standards. Parents are giving permission for their children to have this testing done knowing that the testing will harm or possibly kill them, which makes perfect sense...why would they be abused or neglected!!! Please read this information and respond. These children need YOUR help and without your one vote they could die! Pass this on to everyone you know and ask them to help out too!!
CEC Opposes EPA's Position Allowing Chemical Testing on Children Who Are Abused and Neglected
CEC says the Environmental Protection Agency's proposal to allow testing of chemicals and pesticides on children who are abused and neglected is abhorrent. Other instances in which the EPA permits chemical testing on humans include:
* The research is "ethically deficient" but crucial to protecting the public health.
* There is a direct benefit to the child being tested and the parents or guardians agree, even if there is more than minimal health risk to the child.
* The studies are performed in countries that have few or no ethical standards for testing as long as the tests are not done directly for the EPA.
Please send your comments opposing the EPA's position on human testing to opp-docket@epa.gov, Attention: Docket ID Number OPP-2003-0132 by Dec. 12, 2005. CEC has a draft letter on this issue on its Legislative Action Center,
http://capwiz.com/cek/home/ .
* Read press release on EPA and human testing.
http://www.cec.sped.org/cec_bn/press_EPA.html * Send a letter protesting EPA's support of human testing.
http://capwiz.com/cek/issues/alert/?alertid=8289911&type=AN *********I'm very sorry. I don't know how to do links. I will find out and then edit this page with the links instead of the web pages out to the side.