Jan 14, 2005 00:56
tonight i plan on staying up all night and learning a bazillion songs (on mah geetar) b.c i havent TRUELY practiced for a long time, you know like really focused and learned things and all. I am getting bored of playing the same old stuff, and i want to be awesomley good more than ever right now, so that when the time comes when there is a room full of people and a guitar, i can pick it up and blow ppl away...ooo sounds lovely dont it (british accent)
speaking of british, sarah leaves for london on monday:( im sad but excited for her....62 more days till im there...
man i am gonna miss mista whitbys class sooooo much, he is prolly my favorite teacher ive ever had, even if he is drunk when he teaches, its way better than any sober teacher ive had. im gonna visit him a lot:)
i worked tonight, i really like my job. the little girls are so nice to me, and haha this one said "miss emmy, i like your voice! its sweet sounding!" hahahaha so weird...and i had like 3 that talked like vawweebaww mawwms lol lol lol
ok this was my 10 min break, back to the music...wooo hooooooooooooo