I've finished reading Tess of the D'Urbervilles. It was compelling enough to finish reading, but I have a hard time putting down books I don't like. Tess dies, but not without even more shame, humiliation and obnoxious descriptions of the English countryside. Let me spoil this book for you, in case you are ever tempted to read it (if I make it sound good, read away, then discuss with me). Tess is divided into seven phases. Let me paraphrase each one.
1. The Maiden: Tess is innocent and pubescent. Learns she is descended from aristocracy.
2. Maiden No More: Tess gets raped by spurious relative.
3. The Rally: Tess has baby who conveniently dies. She spends a lot of time blending in with nature. Nothing happens.
4. The Consequence: Tess milks cows. Falls in love with gentleman milcher. Oops.
5. The Woman Pays: Tess tells her new husband gentleman cow milker that she was a shamed woman. Formerly ideal husband gets in touch with his Victorian values, huffs off to Brazil.
6. The Convert: Rapist hangs around Tess acting creepy. Tess digs turnips and is acquiescent like a pheasant.
7. Fulfilment: Thousands of coincidences, all of which need to happen for the book to be a tragic allegory. Tess kills rapist. Husband runs away with Tess. Tess is executed because Thomas Hardy is clever.
I think I will start writing my thoughts on books in my LJ, like
pyani was doing with movies, because I like books and no one is ever reading the same books I am at the same time (exception: Harry Potter. Speaking of which, interesting essay I read: What if Harry is still in the cupboard under the stairs? Like Buffy in the mental institution), so I can talk about books on my lj and maybe I will join an lj book group but not now 'cause I spend too much time online and not working on my novel. Cheers.