Nov 04, 2008 16:17

I HATE INJUSTICE... AND BIG GOVERNMENT...stupid laws that are set to fuck the innocent law abiding citizens but criminals can so get around them with no problems. This election day I just experienced such a thing. ACORN and similar organizations can register Micky Mouse, Donald Duck and the 1919 Dallas Football team to vote and no one says a damn thing but... I go to the polls this afternoon and I cant vote. Why? A computer error that cant find me in the system. They cant find where I was ever registered in the state of Alabama. I fill out the paperwork there to correct it but they still wont let me vote today. they assured me that I would in all upcoming elections. shitload of good it does me for November 4 2008!!!!! Apparently they were letting others who filled out that paperwork vote because the poll worker asked me if they were going to let me vote today. Small town everyone knows me, clearly I haven't voted because I'm not in the system so its not like I'm trying voter fraud by trying to vote 15 times!!!!!!!!!!!!
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