I've got so much homework from the Disneyland trip. So behind in French. So behind in Math. Not behind in English (but a full sonnet on the first act of Macbeth? Seriously). Not behind in Biology (haha, watching "Accepted"). History is a big, fat, bold question mark.
However! This new Pendragon book is really good. Like really good. Like, I want to scream screamed.
I seriously laughed out loud (in a "OMFG kind of way" when Bobby threw his handcuffs at Siry and uncovered him as Ibara's Traveler. I never knew reading that a character was wearing a gray ring would make such an impact. Or that a creature had yellow eyes. But Gawd. This rocks my pants. And I luv Siry. Must. Draw. Him. Now. That scene where he threatened Bobby (um, the one where Bobby was blindfolded) was so hawt, yo.
And then to find out Ibara only the name of the island, and this territory is in fact Veelox in the future? Gawd, I pissed my pants. It took me all of a few seconds after to find out that "Jakill" (as the name of the rebel kiddie group) was actually derived from "Aja Killian". And to find out that Aja is going to be assassinated? ;_; Nuuuu, Aja is a cool girlie. I luff her.
The deaths of most of the Jakills were gruesome. I don't want to know what happened to Twig. I'd put my money on her being eaten alive (Flighter gnawing on a bone a little bit later anyone?).
I'm getting chills.
Was talking with Matt yesterday, and now I want to write a fic about a girl in Pokemon land whose mother won't let her go and do "normal" ten year old stuff (going off on adventures) because she's worried for her. XD
More on fic, but it's post-PotC3 soooo
Que PotC3 spoilers, for those who were reading above.
The concept summary is thus:
"William hates his father. He's not met the man, except once, when he was barely nine. But it's because of him that his mother is dead, and he's going to make sure that he pays. The problem is finding him, especially when all he has is a nearly ten year old memory of the man's face, and the help of a perpetually drunk pirate (captain?) and his dingy."
The idea is that Will is on this crusade now against his father, ends up somehow getting the help(?) of Jack, and then, like his father, is used by the pirate for his own needs. Probably something to do with the Fountain of Youth. I'm thinking it'd play out really (purposefully) parallel to what happened with William and Jack in the movies. Probably won't throw a OFC in though, unless I really need some leverage.
Going to go see the movie again with Matt and Jennie on Sunday! Whee!
...But I'm paying for popcorn.
Random: I luff my Milo icon. -cuddles-
Oh, and I seriously got sparked plot-wise for my Original Story. -glee- I'm so ready for this project.