Sep 18, 2006 14:54
saturday morning i was having the strangest dreams. i had a really great dream. i dreamt that whit and i had just returned from our trip, and we went to the cote's, and charlie was there - treatment had worked while we were gone, and he had a full head of hair, and i was playing with nick in the backyard in the cote's (non-existent) ubove-ground pool, and we ran out to the front and there were flying fish in a kiddie pool. when i woke up, i had this really happy, warm feeling, that melted into sadness and anger when i realized it was only a dream. it was so realistic and i was so pissed.
for the remainder of the morning i dwelled in a meloncholic state, part of it may have been due to the depressant i consumed the night before, but as we drove to russ' parents' house, i sunk into this terrible, thick sadness.
i have been so unlike myself in recent monthes. hopefully i'll become more resilient.
i've been thinking a lot about the cross-country trip, partially due to my earth science class, but also because I'll occasionally hear an alanis morrisette tune on the radio, and think of canada. it was the best three weeks of my summer.