Following the admirable example of
xochiquetzl, I have revised my vow to write something everyday to write at least 250 new words a day. Not a stretch goal, but this is more about getting myself back into the habit of writing every day than about production. After I reestablish that habit, I can work on production.
July 1, 2010
What: Tracks
New words: 281
Total words: 915
Why I stopped: I wanted to get to the height of the action in the first scene and I got there -- a cliffhanger that I can easily pick up from.
Tracks is the novel (contemporary somewhat-science-fantasy -- not a werewolf nor vampire nor any faerie folk in sight.) I've been brainstorming on for months: too many ideas, not enough writing. The draft I'm working on now is my second start at it; the other draft had a much younger protagonist, which was charming, but limiting in terms of at least one of the subplots.