(no subject)

Feb 06, 2004 15:36

How many Jerry Springer episodes do you think I could watch between now and when I go back to uni? Wait, don't answer that -.-

I've changed my layout for a little while, because I just felt like it. You know when you just need a change? I love my old layout - I even panicked and went back and checked if I could still switch back and I could lol - but I just want something different for a little while.

I'm also starting the 28dayplan so we'll see how that goes.

Books I Have To Read In Three Weeks
The Big Sleep Raymond Chandler
All That Remains Patricia Cornwell
The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde Robert Louis Stevenson
Turtle Nest Chandani Lokuge
The Death of Pan Tom Petsinis
Crime and Punishment Dostoyevsky
The Monkey's Mask Dorothy Porter
The Hound of The Baskervilles Arthur Conan Doyle

Second last shift at work tonight.
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