Whoever thought it was a good idea for me to go to university should be found and kicked repeatedly in the back side
I'm going to try to write regularly in here, in case you all want to hear about the boring nothings that make up my existence lol.
Basically, we find our heroine thus:
- Swamped by readings for school, at the moment I'm reading Victory by Joseph Conrad, Hound of the Baskervilles by Arthur Conan Doyle, Ulysses by James Joyce and Dracula by Bram Stoker. Plus I'm writing for my fiction subject, and doing other individual readings for each subject. -.-
- Learning how to drive. How very embarrassing to admit.
- Obssessed with Dr. Phil. I will now not hear a bad word spoken about either Elijah Wood, the Jerry Springer Show or Dr Phil.
- Trying to write. Everyone aparently has one good book in them, and I'm yet to find mine. Am I the only person that finds writing a really, really attractive career? Think about it. Get paid a lot for sitting around and watching Dr Phil (!) and writing. -.-
Anyways, that's me. I hope you are all happy and healthy and I love you all and thank you so much for being patient with me. There's lots of things left out about the bad parts that are going on, but no one wants to hear about that. I'm okay.
<3 Em
P.S I was thinking of making lots of new icons because I'm starting over. Any suggestions? <3
P.P.S Oh and everyone do this! gacked from
pessimistchick <3
1. Enter your name into Google
2. Click "Image Search"
3. Pick your favorite and post it in your journal.
ha ha. I have no idea what this is, but it's cool.