May 09, 2006 03:27
play list of genius jenny ben! Have been drawn to listening to jazz, notably 'kind of blue' by miles davis, as i have found my self in a jazz sextet with a gig on friday and bigband, meaning i have to improvise in both, in front of people i know and like. grr. i kindda like it when u have am idea going on, but it can go horribly wrong when u can't find the notes. much like standing in front of a room full of people talking about a subject u know little about. peruvian bean farming par example. haven't looked at this site for a while, as my internet's been borken, but the lovely Yong came and fixed it throughsome freak chance button pressing, or so it looked like to me. I quite like it though, both as i get to know what's going on in jen land and read the poetic lovely genius of miss shaw. feel a metros post exam/anywhere in super cardiff is in need/ everyone ever should come to marvellous manchester. Hope examness isn't to shit. i remember feeling like it was a massive weight, and it's horrible, but it's over before u know it, and i promise summer while never have felt as good..before u get the ahhh i'm goign to uni vibe pulsing through ur veins, but that's all good. so yes. everything should be all good. everything will be splendid and beautiful. I just know it.