Catch-up meme

Nov 23, 2009 23:30

Flagrantly stolen from Cassie.

You know how sometimes people on your friendslist post about stuff going on in their life, and all of a sudden you think "Wait a minute? Since when were they working THERE? Since when were they dating HIM/HER? Since when?" And then you wonder how you could have missed all that seemingly pretty standard information, but somehow you feel too ashamed to ask for clarification because it seems like info you should already know? It happens to all of us sometimes.

Please copy the topics below, erase my answers and put yours in their place, and then post it in your journal! Please elaborate on the questions that would benefit from elaboration. One-word answers seldom help anyone out.


Emily; it's pretty damn common, unfortunately, and my middle name is worse what with it being Jessica. I tease my parents about this, but they had to think pretty hard about what to call me with my surname being what it is.

They often comment they should have called me Phillipa. Mum liked Victoria, but y'know, VB, Victoria Beer. And Amelia, but again Amelia Beer sounds weird.

Alasdair was determined to have a BROTHER CALLED SAM >:T. It was quite the sticking point with him.

2. AGE

Twenty. Ugh, it's a little hard to believe sometimes. Still haven't had an 18th, a 19th or a 20th birthday party. PROHIBITION PARTY FOR 21ST Y/N?


Perth, still. I've lived in the same house all my life, so yeah. I mean, I'd like to go other places, but this place kind of gets in you skin. I still mean to go travelling, but I haven't got around to it hurrdurr. Exchange may/may not be possible, pending on this semester's results, but I was offered to go to Osaka U to do some robotics stuff. Not sure if that still stands, but it would be cool.


Still working at Planet Video. Good times, even though it's really creepy that you can watch us while we work. It's a pretty sweet job, despite the various jerks and creeps you get there. I'm looking at you, Nicholas Verne.

Come to think of it, the old hunch-backed guy hasn't come in for a while. He was awesome; always got out gay and straight pornos/movies, always very frank about it. :B

Also doing the full-time student thing; Bachelor of Engineering in Mechatronics, with a diploma of Japanese on top. Five years all up, two down, assuming I haven't failed anything this semester (which is quite possible). Appear to be doing better on the mechanical side than the electronic side, but who knows!

Also no longer president for the Japanese Society. Probably a good thing, since I'm horrible at organising myself and others. Hurpdurp, why did you do this to me Yen?


Peachie, or javelinface on here. We've been going out for nigh 10 and a half months or so. He's playing PSP on the bed next to me, when he should be doing his reports.

He's a music teacher, specifically brass. We met at a Singstar party at Fnic's place, even though we're both in the Sci-fi club at uni. The first thing I said to him was "Is that a PS3 bag? :B". Somehow, that impressed him. I'm so smooth.

And now he's stopped playing PSP. Hooray for mind-powers.


None right now. Uncertain how I feel about having them in the future, as I kind of cringe at any sort of spoilt/opinionated/noisy kids. The neighbours have scarred me, it would seem.


One brother, Alasdair, three years older. He's just moved out of home again, though that doesn't really mean much since he's always at ours for the internet and food anyhow.

He's working in a café in Leederville, and has done for a while. He doesn't really enjoy it, but then again he is the struggling artist type; dropped out of three different universities since he doesn't really play the game, quite bitter, self-defeating and with a bit of an entitlement complex. I also love him dearly.

He's doing a bit better lately; he was invited to write on a blog by a published author, he's been doing a bit of stand-up and acting stuff. Baby steps, yanno?


Charlie is still about, but he's getting pretty grey in the face, poor thing. He keeps getting excited about going to the park and then realising that he's old and stiff. We reckon he's gay, or at least very confused about his pipes and in which dogs they should go.

This is Charlie and dad. Charlie is demonstrating the latest in dog headwear.

Shenzi is still kicking too, despite pushing 14. He's an active bugger, strangely hollow sounding and, as Peachie and I found out the other night, very firm. This did not seem right. He's a whingy bastard, but we put up with him.

I guess Peachie's cats are mine by extension, so there's also Wicca and Warlock (thank his bestie for their names), two sister-cats. Wicca is more dementedly cute, tends to flop on the fridge, and more vocal. Warlock is more dastardly; her meow is also really quiet and raspy, kind of like a smoker. It's incredibly adorable. They also keep figuring out how to get to the food, the wily things.

a. Chillaxing to the max. Essentially, lots of Assassin's Creed II, Uncharted 2, lounging.
b. TF2-RP on Tegaki. My character is apparently known as OLDSPY to the other players. Still can't draw hands.
c. Bike thing is finished, finally! For those who hadn't heard; me, my chums, and 5 other groups were chosen to make a bike for a kid with no arms. This ran from June to a couple of weeks ago and was made of stress and duct tape.
d. Kinda stressing about results. Not even sure when they're out.


Mum and Dad are cool folks.

Mum was born in Geraldton, third child and the only girl of 4 kids. As a result, she kind of grew up looking after the household with Nan. We used to chat every day on the way to and from school, which we both miss. She's ever suffering since the rest of us are lazier than her, and would love to get away to Italy or some other scenic locale. She's also organised, which the rest of us aren't. She still takes me out clothes shopping, since she's really the only other person who can get me to do it. *hopeless*

Mum's currently doing about three different jobs at the school she works at. She's stressed, but glad it's almost holidays. They've just received a glowing review from the PYP assessors, so more to them.

Dad and I share similar, stupid senses of humor. He was born in Yokohama, and moved about a lot as a kid, before settling in Perth. Dad works in government but would much rather just be free to write a novel or something. He's a pretty earthy guy, slow to get angry but is pretty intimidating when he is. We go see violent movies that Mum wouldn't like together, try martial arts or go to the shooting range together. I guess in some ways I'm kind of like a son in the activities we do together, whereas Alasdair was more stand offish.

Dad's most recently played video-game was Medal of Honor: Frontline. He got pretty good at using the sniper rifle without the scope, mostly because he couldn't figure out how to zoom. Bless.

Mum and Dad met when they were in uni, Mum being about 19. D'aw.


Illi, for being the longest and the best at geeky-chumming of them all. Athena, for being seen most frequently and spazzing about Doctor Who and Merlin and engineering. Peachie, for knowing the most and worst about me and still sticking around when others did not. I ♥ you all.

Goodness. Managed to make an entry less than a year after the last. \o/


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