Hokay. Yo, long time no see. It is exam week, so I have nothing to write other than - you guessed it! - exams! Woo, the joy overflowing in me would fill the Amazon basin. Except, it's not really a basin. Whatev.
So, first exam today was the physics main, 3 hours 10 minutes, the regular affair. Wasn't too bad, so no complaints there. What I'm ranting about is the practical section. Oh dear god, the Sodding Thing.*
So, we have this strange set up thing. For you types who don't want to be bludgeoned with physics wotsits, you might want to skip this paragraph. A length of copper wire suspended on two triangular wooden blocks, which in turn goes between a horseshoe magnet. This wire is connected by alligator clips on either side to a power pack, through to a parallel connection to a rheostat, then to a 1 Ohm resistor and a multimetre in parallel, and there you have the other alligator clip. We were supposed to run a current through the wire, adjusting the length between the blocks equally until we set up resonance along the wire. Joy.
Here's the thing; I had a dodgy wire, surprise, surprise. My multimeter wasn't picking up any voltage so I put up my hand like a good girl and told Mr Zander so. He couldn't figure it out. 5 minutes later, Mr Moran has a go, finally locating the ruddy wire after another 10 minutes. So, children, that's 15 minutes wasted on some trivial thing that should not have happened the first bloody place.
Mr Zander vanishes off, leaving us with Moran the Moron. Hence; more joy. At the end of it, I've barely completed half the questions, if that. I put my hand up, again, and he grudgingly gives me another five. FIVE. 15 - 5 = 10 MINUTES I COULD OF HAD BUT NOT BECAUSE MORAN IS A POO HEAD. I probably would've been able to finish those last five questions if it weren't for him, the prat.
. . . Frickin' hell! Yeah, sure, test us on something we have even covered (Since when were we supposed to be able to calculate tension! And the only hint they gave us was, use g=9.8 ms^-1. OHO, THAT'S HELPFUL, THNX.
Oh dear lord, I think I might have an aneurism. And I'm not even sure if I've spelt that properly. Jeezus.
(* What's worse, as I was relating my tale of woe to Dimi, her younger, imbecilic cronies laughed at my use of sodding. And my Suspiciously British Accent. It happens when I think about it, if I'm trying to sound intelligent, or if I'm absolutely, raving ticked-off.)
And, well, yeah. 8D?