Your confessions:
[] I'm afraid of silence
[] I am really ticklish
[] I'm afraid of the dark
[x] I've collected comic books
[] I sometimes shut out others
[x] I open up to others too easily
[x] I read the newspaper (online, does that count?)
[] I love Disney movies
[x] I am a sucker for gorgeous eyes
[] I am a sucker for a gorgeous smile
[x] I don't kill bugs
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I think the main thing is that I don't find the character progression rewarding enough. You only get one skill point per level and it seems that a majority of the skills-ups do nothing or next-to-nothing. (When you level a magic user's TP Regen skill it'll actually say NEXT LEVEL: NOTHING when you're between the levels where TP Regen actually improves.) That's shitty. Or how about needing to buy Ice Up before you can actually get a useable spell? Not to mention that those "category unlocker" skills don't seem to have much effect on the efficacy of the skills they govern... first thing I did was take my Landsknecht's ax skill to 10 and my Dark Hunter whip to 10. Didn't notice much improvement.
And I haven't figured it out for sure yet, but it sure seems that skills like HP Up and TP Up do almost nothing, even at 10/10. (Maybe they increase stat gain at level-up, is my only guess.) And why don't skills like ATK Up and DEF Up affect the attack and defense numbers on the status screen? (Maybe at level up?) Bleh...
The class-specific skills seem to be pretty boring too.
In short, I think games like this are all about fun character development, and that aspect has let me down so far. I don't feel there are enough/many interesting builds to discover and I sure hate feeling like I'm spending points on nothin'.
Another issue is that I was getting really sick of trekking through the early floors to get to deeper ones. More warping is called for.
As for minor nitpicks, I'm totally with you on the L/R thing. I'm also irked that there is no strafe / sidestep feature, which most games like this that I've played have. It's minor, but I wish there wasn't that minute pause between steps, either. :P
Anyway, I like to think I like dungeon crawlers too, especially in comparison to Japanese-style story/cinematic-based junk. So, what are your favorite dungeon crawlers?
I just restarted the very impressive Wizardry 8 recently, though it's on hold for Etrian... I want to get Mazes of Fate too, which just came out for GBA a few months back. It's supposed to be pretty fun!
Btw, I usually have a hard time making up character names but this time I was happy with them. My chars are...
Koras (female landsknecht)
Pasmerge (male dark hunter)
Desmondo (male troubador)
Crys (female medic)
Krasbow (male alchemist)
I also made three low-level survivalists with nothing but gathering skills, which don't seem worth investing in on main characters.
Garuntz (male take-skill)
Pinoui (female mine-skill)
Trazvek (female chop-skill)
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