May 24, 2004 02:36
One thing I most definitely know how to do is count my blessings. Sometimes they're more abundant, sometimes less, but either way I'm always grateful for what's right in my world. This week has overflown with blessings (some of them found their way into previous entries), but one of them--named Dan--I haven't talked much about, and right now he's making me feel very grateful indeed.
In the past seven days I've hung out with Dan three times, and each time it's been better than the time before. After our first, "blind" date last Saturday which definitely had some first-date ups and downs, we went out on Thursday and it felt so much more natural. We chatted all through dinner, saw Troy, then walked out to the beach to talk and watch one incredible heat lightning show. We talked about our families, friends, places we've traveled, books we love...all that good stuff. Finished the date feeling truly lucky to have this chance to get to know him. Last night we were ostensibly going to act on this crazy plan he hatched to give paint, brushes, and little pieces of canvas paper to the drunk people who line up in front of the bar that's under his apartment. The point was to see what they'd make, and then co-opt the more interesting ones for apartment decoration. Silly, random plan but it sounded fun. Well, we didn't do it (those two drinks each at the Artful Dodger beforehand probably had a lot to do with it), but the night was still a lot of fun, and so was this morning. It feels like we've known each other much longer than a week, but since it actually has been only a week, I'm in the strange situation of trying to be sure not to get ahead of myself while still enjoying this. I think I'm managing to do that. We see eye to eye on a lot of the important stuff in life, and have had a lot of light-hearted fun together. I'm happy with where we are, and hopeful that there's more to come.
I'll keep counting my blessings as long as they last.
For those interested in how the living room project went, we now have one bubblegum pink wall and three slate blue ones, as well as some leopard print touches. It looks surprisingly awesome!