AIG Smackdown Maybe it's because we had 8 years of Bush, but I get super excited when the government does what it's supposed to do now. That being said, I think it was estimated that if they had given the American people the bailout money they're giving big business, all of us would have gotten $200,000. Wouldn't that have fixed everything?
I have midterms this week but spend my time playing Resident Evil 5. I beat it over the weekend and must now unlock everything. It feels good to have something to focus on(/obsess over), but it came at a bad time. At least Spring Break is next week and I can waste my days in front of a 72" flatscreen. :x
I'm taking a train to an actual destination for the first time in my life. Instead of my parents driving to get me for Spring Break, I'm riding the Amtrak. It was that or the bus and I decided I'd rather spend twice the time on a train than on a shady bus. Wish me luck in not getting motion sickness. I'm terribly prone to motion sickness and even get sick on the L. :\