Hello everyone ^^
No, this is not a subbing post. This is just a general post to every one who passes by my LJ to download, hang around or do what ever it is that you do on LJs.
This post is regarding the reason why I don't reply to people adding me as friend, comments, etc etc.
Well, the reasons why I don't add friends and reply comments (anymore, because I used to do so) are
1) because my LJ is PUBLIC.
Hence, my posts aren't locked to friends/members only. Meaning that, you'll be able to download or view the posts even if you're not in my friends-list. And I'm not a fan of locked-fansubs so I don't intend to lock my posts. But if I am locking it, I will let every body know (in some way or another) how you can get through. No worries ^^
2) because you will be able to know about my new projects through other sites such as
domotokyoudai or
JE video index.
3) I'm just pretty lazy in replying comments....
I'm really sorry about this, but that's just me being me. I rarely reply comments on my other pages too (i.e: FB, deviantart etc etc). So, even though I don't reply, I just want to let you know that I really appreciate the comments you all have given (^ w ^). Your appreciation is the drive for me to continue doing this.
So that's all. I hope you all enjoy my posts, and if there's any problem with the links/downloads, do let me know. I will try my best to fix it as soon as I can.
Bye bye~~
(^ w ^)